How did I let myself get so fat ?!?!

It’s not that I didn’t know I was overweight.

I’ve been overweight since I had my son 23 years ago.

And it’s not that I didn’t know what got me to this point.  In particular, I recall 6 days in a row of having rib eye steaks for dinner.  And plenty of cocktails.  And I found a great brownie recipe.

Yeah, I know how I got this fat.

I just didn’t realize I was THIS overweight.

For years, 170 lbs was my “oh shit” weight.  The weight that I would hit and go, “Oh shit.  I need to lose weight!”

But for some reason, I let 170 hit and I didn’t stop my bad habits.  Then I was 180 and was still eating poorly.  And then 183 lbs.


I don’t think my weight really sunk in until I saw myself when I tried on wedding dresses.  From the front it wasn’t so bad, but my fiance took pics of me from the side.  I was horrified by how I looked.  In my head I was like, “I just can’t look like this for my wedding!!!”

I also realized how close I was getting to 200 lbs.  That kinda freaked me out, too.

I think back to why I didn’t realize it.  Where was my head?  I weigh myself every day, so it’s not like I don’t see the number.

I see myself in the mirror every day.  The belly fat hanging down.

But for some reason, none of it was sinking in.

Was it the Spanx-type tank top that I had been wearing that was hiding all my fat rolls under my shirt?  Perhaps.

I really can’t explain it, but for some reason, I saw myself every day but I didn’t really see myself.  Does that make sense?  Probably not.  But maybe some of you might relate.

In my head, I was still in a reasonable weight range.

In reality, I had passed the line to obese.


That’s such a terrible word to be associated with.  It’s unhealthy.  It’s unattractive.  It’s uncomfortable.  It’s just……not a good thing to be.

Last night I took my measurements.  42-38.5-42.5

That’s a long way from the coveted 36-24-36.

There’s a thing called waist-to-hip ratio.  Mine is .90.  For women, .80 and above is bad.  Ideally, I should be in the .6 – .7 range.

But a little over a month ago, my waist was two and a half inches bigger.  A whopping 41 inches around.

I still have 14.5 inches to go, but I’ve already achieved 14% of my goal.  I’m 32% of the way to my wedding (from the date I originally measured myself) but I wasn’t putting in the best effort I could (skipped workouts and too much cheating on my eating through the holidays).   I bet I can do better between now and my wedding day.